Silver Bullion to $50: No Worries, The Rocket Is Still On The Launch Pad
The concern that unsophisticated traders are piling into precious metals is something that I’ve been hearing a lot lately. After seeing incredible gains in physical silver – and even bigger gains in the mining stocks I’ve been recommending – I can tell that some folks are worried about coughing up those profits.

Dollar Bear Market 2020: From Reserve Currency To Worthless Paper
The global pandemic, civil unrest and riots, a bitterly divided nation in a pivotal election year: 2020 is turning out to be an historical inflection point that will alter the course of America as we know it. If you expect that nothing will be the same after this year, you’re certainly not alone in that sentiment.

No Hope For Retirement: All Safety Nets Have Been Torn to Shreds
The full picture of the “American dream” is supposed to involve the comfortable golden years: a time when you can finally stop working and relax for 20 or 30 years. After all, you deserve to enjoy those years after a lifetime of labor and sweat, not to mention the taxes and other contributions you paid into the system during that time.

Ray Dalio’s Wisdom and Warnings: Populism Rises While America Declines
The global pandemic, civil unrest and riots, a bitterly divided nation in a pivotal election year: 2020 is turning out to be an historical inflection point that will alter the course of America as we know it. If you expect that nothing will be the same after this year, you’re certainly not alone in that sentiment.

Fuse Lit: America Crumbling From Within – Riots & Violence Threaten Rule of Law
One of the WORST OUTBREAKS of civil unrest in American history is unfolding RIGHT BEFORE your eyes in 2020. This is even worse than the Rodney King riots that gripped Los Angeles in the early 1990’s and the college-campus riots of Chicago in the 1960’s. Its roots TRACE BACK to a hash tag that’s controversial and, in some instances, HATE-FUELED.

DEEP STATE 2019: A New Generation of Scandalous Manipulation
The year is young, but the storm is already brewing: just when you thought elitist corruption couldn’t possibly hit a new low, 2019 came along and set the bar even lower for next-level backdoor criminal activity.

RETIREMENT DOOM AND SAVINGS GLOOM: Americans are Unprepared and Unaware!
A secure and comfortable quality of life after 40 or 50 years of hard work was once practically a guarantee in America, but the American Dream of retirement is now dead and gone. You can’t count on the government to provide a safety net anymore, so we have to fend for ourselves, which is a setup for certain disaster and widespread financial panic.

Historic Gold/Silver Ratio: The Whole Truth
Precious metals, and especially gold and silver, have done an amazing job of retaining their value over the years. Generation after generation, irrespective of which politicians are in power at the moment, gold and silver have proven themselves time and again as stable stores of value and the ultimate forms of money.

END THE FED: Trump Takes On The Creature From Jekyll Island
In its mere century of existence, the United States Federal Reserve has been a target of more controversy than practically any other governmental entity. Despised by many, the Federal Reserve has been charged with overextending the U.S. government’s role in our financial affairs, thus giving rise to the popular and ongoing call to “end the Fed.”

4 MORE YEARS OF TRUMP-CONOMICS: How His Reelection is Guaranteed and What it Means for You
When President Donald J. Trump was elected in November of 2016, the media pundits and talking heads were shocked and, in many cases, embarrassed to be proven wrong in their predictions. The ascendance of Trump to the nation’s highest office once proved to be historic and divisive, with ripple effects throughout the world as Trump-conomics reversed many of the previous administration’s policies.

The CATASTROPHIC CURRENCY RESET: Where to be in the U.S. and Abroad When The SHTF
It’s coming, and most of us don’t even know it. Most of us don’t want to know it either. But the currency reset is upon us, and it’s going to be catastrophic.

21st Century Market Crash: What to Expect and How to Prepare
Toppy, shaky, volatile... There are plenty of words that I could use to describe today’s stockmarket environment. But no matter which words you choose to use, I hope you know that the bulls are getting exhausted and the market bears are getting hungry... very, very hungry. I mean the type of hunger where you haven’t eaten in a decade.

Retirement is a Myth: The American Dream Turns Into a Nightmare
The idea of working hard, staying loyal to your employer for 40 years, and retiring comfortably at age 65 is a nice thought – and it made sense in previous generations, when pension plans, Social Security, and other safety nets could be counted on to support us and reward us for all the years we contributed to the system.

80:1 – Silver’s Incredible Potential Surge
Precious metals, and especially gold and silver, have done an amazing job of retaining their value over the years. Generation after generation, irrespective of which politicians are in power

R.I.P. MIDDLE CLASS: Elite Globalists – Enemies from Within
Day by day, we are losing the America we once knew: the land of opportunity where anyone willing to work hard and persevere could succeed.

TRUMP ERA: The New America
The Trump presidency has seen controversy and divisiveness like no other in at least the past several generations. Multiple hot-button issues have been tackled head-on by the current administration and Trump’s brash, direct, and sometimes abrasive personal and political proclivities are grist for the mill as the mainstream media churns out sensationalism in place of real journalism.