[10/17/16] PANAM POST–From Hillary with Love, a new documentary film released on October 14, suggests that presidential Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton intervened in Guatemala’s internal affairs during her tenure as US Secretary of State (2009-2013).
According to a statement, “In 21 minutes, the film—subtitled A Coup in Slow Motion—connects the dots between the rising power of violent Marxists in Guatemala and the inappropriate activities of three US ambassadors. It includes a narrative of actions by Hillary Clinton, who as Secretary of State took direct charge of this policy.”
From Hillary with Love includes a first-hand account of the affair from Otto Pérez Molina, Guatemala’s former president.
It also features interviews with victims of attacks carried out by left-wing organizations that the film claims were protected by the US embassy and by former Guatemalan Attorney General Claudia Paz y Paz (2010-2014), an alleged Clinton surrogate.
The documentary’s producer is Steve Hecht, a long-time Guatemala resident originally from New York City, who has penned numerous articles calling attention to this issue, such as “Obama’s Got the Guatemalan Militia’s Back” and “One Man Rules Guatemala, and He Isn’t Jimmy Morales.”
Hecht asserts that the US government is using its power to “lead a radical collectivist takeover of the state of Guatemala.”
The film’s narrator, the author and journalist David Landau, argues that having a failed state to the south should concern Americans, as those who flee from violence and lack of opportunities in Central America end up on US borders.
Hecht and Landau have made the film freely available on YouTube, inviting viewers “to examine the topic more deeply.”