Small business in Wisconsin cancels its unusably bad internet service from Frontier; Frontier demands $4,300 cancellation fee
From 4chan: Holy shit anons, it’s totally happening here. If anyone watched Eyes Wide Shut, this is almost straight from the movie.
R.I.P. Natacha Jaitt, who outed high-level pedophiles on Argentinian TV and then promptly died of an overdose last night (video)
Florida human trafficking: Billionaire equity firm owner John Childs wanted on prostitution charge in Vero Beach
CRISPR twins who had their genes edited also had their brains altered to make them smarter, scientists believe
Jussie Smollett sent HIMSELF letter saying ‘you will die, black f*g’ and exploited ‘pain of racism’ to boost his career with staged assault, cops say
Jussie Smollett attack: Smollett officially a suspect in criminal investigation for filing false police report, police say
5G Is The “Stupidest Idea In The History of The World”- Washington State Biochemistry/Medical Science Prof
How the US Government and state-sponsored CNN, MSNBC and FOX are crushing alternative media and anti-war voices (video)
Former gay porn star who died in Ed Buck’s home told friends the Democrat donor was ‘the f***ing devil’ and a ‘horrible man’ before he was found dead
Self-Driving Cars Might Kill Auto Insurance as We Know It: Without humans to cause accidents, 90% of risk is removed. Insurers are scrambling to prepare.
John Haynes, Creator of Haynes Manuals, Dies at 80 … His do-it-yourself repair books have sold 200 million copies
Rethinking happiness: Startling new book suggests dwelling on the past, feeling sorry for yourself – no one will remember you in 100 years anyway
What HAS Russia spotted in Earth’s upper atmosphere? Mysterious EXPLOSIONS OF LIGHT detected by satellite hint to unknown physical phenomenon
Air Quality Level Inside Average U.S. Home May Be Comparable To ‘Polluted Major City,’ Shocking Study Finds
It was a HOAX! Jussie Smollett hate crime “attack” was completely staged… actual police work unmasked flimsy plot to stoke racial hatred across America
Huge earthquake in Bolivia reveals vast underground mountain range BIGGER than anything on Earth’s surface
Donald Trump Jr., Others Slam Jussie Smollett, Media Coverage Surrounding Alleged Trump Supporter Hate Crime