[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/gPkwlixPSDE”]
(Cris Putnam) The new Steven Greer disclosure project film Sirius is structured with an overarching conspiracy theory implicating the military industrial complex (MIC) in surreptitiously controlling the government, banking system and, drum roll please, maintaining a death grip on the truth about UFOs, ET and clean free energy technology.
I think they are largely correct concerning the financial elite but the oil industry’s repression of clean energy need not infer anything about extraterrestrials but rather human greed and sinfulness.
The movie paints Greer as a heroic martyr fighting the powers that be. Greer poignantly laments the, “misanthropic sociopaths are running the planet into the ground.”[1] Of course, the solution is access to the ET technology the misanthropes are hiding. While there is certainly some truth to the general conspiracy theory, it doesn’t necessarily support the ET beliefs the film promotes. In reality, the pantheistic monism Greer promotes is exactly what the world system wants. This is readily seen in the discredited gurus the film features.
David Wilcock a guru of “soul growth, ascension and the evolution of consciousness” who was one of the most well-known promoters of the 2012 ascension theory. Wilcock’s writings indicate that he began by having strange dreams and synchronicities when he was two years old which progressed to out of body experiences and ESP by the age of seven. He consumed volumes of Edgar Cayce, Eastern mysticism and new age literature. He not only teaches reincarnation theology, his spiritual ascension ideas have resulted in repeated failed date setting. First it was “Ascension 2000” which morphed to “Ascension 2012” and we’re still waiting for the new one. Interestingly he predicted alien disclosure by President Obama in 2009:
David also predicts that President Obama will attempt to reveal the existence of aliens and alien technologies this year. He says it’ll be a two-hour prime time special, in which a human-like off world entity will be introduced.[1A]
David’s prophetic track record is dismal and his scholarship isn’t much better. He promotes that the Japanese culture was given them by space aliens and the Michael Cremo cites the Hindu texts as ancient astronaut literature dating back thousands of years. Much of this has been decisively refuted here. Then they trot out the UFOs in medieval art nonsense which has been authoritatively demonstrated to be well known symbols for the sun and moon.[2] Art historians chuckle at this but much of the public is still credulous.
The alien savior mythos about ET redeemers form above preventing a nuclear holocaust is advanced in several scenes. Much of the interview testimony is old recycled material seen in other UFO documentaries like the seminalOut of the Blue which is a much better film than Sirius by a long shot. They used an old clip by Gordon Creighton, the editor of Flying Saucer Review, but neglect to mention Creighton’s studied opinion, “I do believe that the great bulk of these phenomena are what is called satanic.”[2A]
Early on, the movie sets up a tension about the testing of so-called tiny alien body found in the Mexico desert. This Barbie sized ET was heavily featured in the films promotional material as well and certainly drew a lot of folks to part with their cash to learn about the promised DNA testing results.
The most dangerous and harmful thing about the film is the promotion of CE-5 meaning human imitated alien contact. Greer extended the classification system of J Allen Hynek. This is explained in Exo-Vaticana:
1) Close Encounters of the First Kind (CEI) involve “visual” sightings of an Unidentified Flying Object.
2) Close Encounters of the Second Kind (CEII) include visual plus physical traces such as burned spots on the ground, radiation, strange markings, or wreckage debris appropriate for investigation.
3) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CEIII) involve sightings of the UFO “occupants” near the UFO.
4) Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind (CEIV) include a human abducted by a UFO or its occupants (this was not included in Hynek’s original scale).
5) Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (CEV), developed by Steven M. Greer’s Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) group, are described as “joint, bilateral contact events produced through the conscious, voluntary, and proactive human-initiated or cooperative communication with extraterrestrial intelligence.”
6) Close Encounters of the Sixth Kind (CEVI) are described as “UFO incidents that cause direct injury or death.”[3]
This involves eastern style meditation which entails clearing one’s mind (suspending rational discernment), letting go of one’s spiritual defenses, and allowing the foreign discarnate consciousness free reign. Of course, this amounts to an invitation to demon possession. Unfortunately, Greer and his followers probably have the best of intentions but are being deceived.
The devil is a master of disguise: “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.” (2 Co 11:14–15) The movie offers CE-5 as the solution to the world’s problems, a disturbing idea developed and explained in Exo-Vaticana.
More interesting to readers of Exo-Vaticana, the film features our old friend Roman Catholic demonologist, Monsignor Corrado Balducci in a few brief clips. Whereas the majority of evangelical scholars conclude that the contactee phenomenon is connected to the occult, Balducci asserted that so-called extraterrestrial encounters “are not demonic, they are not due to psychological impairment, and they are not a case of entity attachment.”[4] Balducci has never been refuted by the Vatican and he teaches that superior ETs are coming to evangelize us:
At 13:45 Balducci is shown saying “There will be others who are far superior besides us.” Whereas the majority of evangelical scholars conclude that the contactee phenomenon is connected to the occult, Balducci asserted that so-called extraterrestrial encounters “are not demonic, they are not due to psychological impairment, and they are not a case of entity attachment.”[5] Referring to UFO aliens, Balducci maintains,
“We don’t even have to waste a thought on the devil and his demons, who still kept their angelic nature, being fallen angels and therefore also purely spiritual beings, since they are limited in their activity by God and therefore not able to bring all their hatred to us.”[6]
Balducci was a theologian of the Vatican Curia, a long-time exorcist for the archdiocese of Rome, and a prelate of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
If one were seeking a Catholic opinion on demonology, it would be hard to solicit a demonologist with more clout. He suggests that originating from the spirit realm precludes any material reality, but Scripture is replete with angels who are mistaken for men (Genesis 19:1; Acts 1:10), and the author of Hebrews warns, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Hebrews 13:2), which hardly seems possible if they were simply immaterial spirits.
After building tension over the mini-ET the entire film, the anticlimax occurs with Dr. Gary Nolan admiting, “The DNA tells the story and we have the computational techniques that allows us to determine, in very short order, whether, in fact, this is human,” also stating, “I can say with absolute certainty that it is not a monkey.
It is human — closer to human than chimpanzees.” In fact this human corpse is not new, it has been circulated in UFO circles for ten years, and has long been identified as a mummified human fetus by medical experts as documented here. The film’s promotional efforts featuring this human fetus were not only disingenuous they were macabre.
One marvels at why it has never occurred to Greer that if he is correct and CE-5 works, then why haven’t the benevolent ETs simply given him the clean energy technology? Seriously, he has been out in the desert channeling them for years.
Why does the evil MIC have exclusive access to the clean energy. Why can’t Greer and the CSETIfaithful just ask the ETs for it? The roaring silence to this question is suggestive. In the end, the movie confirms the eschatological thesis presented in Exo-Vaticana in stunningly precise language by encouraging the viewer to participate by “joining consciousness to unite with the beings that are prepared to communicate with us. In order to succeed in this endeavor called life we must come together as one.”[7] This is one situation where I take no joy in being correct, the push toward the Omega Point is on.
[1] http://astrology.about.com/b/2009/10/11/david-wilcock-predictions.htm
[2] http://ancientaliensdebunked.com/references-and-transcripts/ufos-in-ancient-art/
[1A] Sirius 8:13
[2A] Ruth Gledhill, “Defense Chief Warns of ‘Satanic UFOs’” The Times of London, as cited in AUFORA News Update
March 1, 1997, last accessed January 25, 2013, http://www.mufon.com/MUFONNews/arch011.html
[3] Exo-Vaticana, 445.
[4] Richard Boylan, “Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real” UFO Digest, last accessed January 18, 2013, http://www.ufodigest.com/balducci.html.
[5] Richard Boylan, “Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real” UFO Digest, last accessed January 18, 2013, http://www.ufodigest.com/balducci.html.
[6] Corrado Balducci, “Ufology and Theological Clarifications,”Pescara, (June 8th, 2001), viewable here:http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/mar3/balducci.htm.
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