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The psychological effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. People are begging to be locked in their houses. Furthermore, it’s almost as if deep down inside, people WANT this chaos, panic and hysteria

I don’t know if anyone has picked up on this – but this whole pandemic situation is resulting in a real psychological effect on a large chunk of the people.

Here in my country, Australia, we were one of the first to go mad with the panic buying (which is still occurring), and now people are begging the government to lock them in their own houses.

Personally, I think that it’s absurd.

Furthermore, I’ve noticed another odd thing in that people are subtly hoping and wanting for everything to go to shit. They want a massive global event to occur. They want the chaos and anarchy that comes with it.

Why? Beats me.

A personal theory for this is that people lead such repetitive, unfulfilling lives and they are hoping this is the big event that changes everything a la WWII.

They want to feel part of something. A sense of community/camaraderie.

Maybe I’m reading too far into it or maybe I’m not.

I’d like to know if anyone else has felt this way.