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The Satanic/Communist Takeover of the USA Through the DNC

(DAVE HODGES)  America is in peril and has been captured from within while being targeted from without. Lawlessness reigns supreme as Americans have lost their moral and spiritual compass, and for many, their will. We have reached this point in history not by accident, but by design.

Tune in to this broadcast as Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges detail the current threats facing all Americans and the entirety of the Western world, and what we can do to fight and survive in the days ahead. Despite government published statistics that show better employment and a rebound from recession, America faces an economic implosion the likes that we’ve never seen. Terrorists are inside the gate and are being assisted by agents of our enemies already in positions of power.

As we draw closer to the presidential elections, there is a palpable and growing fear among Americans – for good reason. MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT, THIS IS A SATANIC/COMMUNIST TAKEOVER OF THIS NATION BEING PERPTRATED BY THE DNC!