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Latest DHS Ammunition Purchase To Complete Fast And Furious Scandal

(Thomas Dishaw)  The Department of Homeland Security continues to dominate the news with another work order to purchase  360,000 rounds of hollow point ammunition, bringing the total to  2 billion over the last 12 months.

The bullets are heading to The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico where they have already stockpiled 240,000 hollow point rounds.

You would hope that these kind of resources wouldn’t get in the wrong hands.

This is the same Government that armed Mexican drug lords in the “Fast and Furious” scandal in which no one was held accountable. Maybe part of the deal was to supply the bullets also? Glad to see the Government hold up our their end of the bargain.

You should find these purchases alarming for two reasons, one being the impact it has placed on your local police departments who are under strict budget guidelines and don’t have a penny to spare. Forcing them to pay higher prices on the open market or barter between local municipalities has taken valuable time and resources away from already cash strapped cities.

The second disturbing aspect of the ammunition purchases is the mainstream media continues to label the purchases as conspiracy theories or attributes the billions of rounds to bad computation. We all know that the mainstream media can not be trusted, these corporations are just another branch of the Government.

Until we get some “clarification” (lies) from Washington on the ammunition purchases I think its safe to assume the Government is preparing for economic collapse and civil unrest. We all know what’s going on in Cyprus and America isn’t that far off. What do you think?

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